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kiwi dave
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  • Hey bud,
    I was hoping you could tell me, what year is your bike. Mine is 12/20, and it’s a stock 1200 s. Just had the reflash to prevent the cold stall. How does it go with no cat...

    I need to try and convert mine some how.. yours must be louder right..?
    Did you need to do any re-tuning.?
    kiwi dave
    kiwi dave
    Mine is 08/20, so the same as you.

    My silencers/mufflers are stock, but I installed a short bypass pipe for the cat converter. Not obnoxiously loud.

    My bike ran like crap at lower throttle settings, so I purchased a Dynajet PV3 from Fuel Moto.

    In hindsight, I should have persevered, as the latest map from the Indian factory fixes most issues.
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