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Forgive me for I have sinned

Reminds me of my old silverwing from the eighties. That being said. I loved my 90 Mille. It was a great bike that got 47 mpg. When I was done it was loud and obnoxious and got 28 mpg. But damn it was a runner. It sounded and ran like a harley should. Then that griso. That was a bike. Loved every minute on it. Stop great, went fast and looked killer. Hmm. I will be there at the dealership too.
I really like it, and can see myself riding one when I get older.
I really like when the seat and tank sit on a nearly level plane. Helps the symmetry of the bike and pulls my eye in.
Personally I think you can junk the front fairing and put a naked light up there. Would help it’s looks. This is sort of similar to the FTR if you lost the fairing.
I’ve owned a guzzi…I think it’s something no motorcyclist should ever do in their riding life…I wouldn’t own another one let alone ride one if it was the last one on earth or I was paid…for your sin, you must get seriously drunk and bash your head against the brick work till these thoughts leave you…😵‍💫😂😂
Before Tony bought his MV, he was looking at a Moto Guzzi.
That was until a friend of ours told us about going riding with a mate who had one, and said in a year that thing spent more time on the back of trailers getting taken home because it had broken down than it did on the road.
In the end the guy who owned it had a 'crash' at low speed that managed to damage the motorcycle enough so it was a right off.
He vowed never to own one ever again.

but hey maybe the newer ones are more reliable?
Before Tony bought his MV, he was looking at a Moto Guzzi.
That was until a friend of ours told us about going riding with a mate who had one, and said in a year that thing spent more time on the back of trailers getting taken home because it had broken down than it did on the road.
In the end the guy who owned it had a 'crash' at low speed that managed to damage the motorcycle enough so it was a right off.
He vowed never to own one ever again.

but hey maybe the newer ones are more reliable?
And one day pigs will fly…😂😂😂
I am having lustful thoughts for the just announced Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello, semi active suspension, 1000 cc V twin and to my eyes very attractive. There is a motorcycling proverb that says every motorcyclist should own a Guzzi at least once, if this thing makes 120 hp I’ll be lining up at the dealer for a test rideView attachment 4474
I've owned a couple of Guzzis! The last one was a Norge! I love them!
I am having lustful thoughts for the just announced Moto Guzzi V100 Mandello, semi active suspension, 1000 cc V twin and to my eyes very attractive. There is a motorcycling proverb that says every motorcyclist should own a Guzzi at least once, if this thing makes 120 hp I’ll be lining up at the dealer for a test rideView attachment 4474
I think it's hideous - not only compared to your FTR, but everything about it. Sorry.
Mehg, I like the Bronx, but love the lines of the FTR so much better.
Interesting.....I saw a YouTube quickie vid on this bike by MotoBob. I've never owned one, but I've always though Guzzis were cool. But, chances of me owning a V100 Mandello are pretty slim. The local Guzzi dealer, only sells motorcycles as a secondary thing, compared to their main thing - exotic sports cars. So, their Moto Guzzi (and Aprilia for that matter) inventory typically isn't anything to write home about.
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