Cheap and Amazing


Active member
This forum is a bit slow at times but from looking around there has been a few gems I’ve discovered from reading.
I know when it comes to gear everyone has things that they put different values on but what I’d really like to know is what are your favorite things that you’ve found for riding that are Cheap but Amazing. (Less than $75)

For me so far my favorite things on the cheap are:
3M safety glasses with dust guard. They are anti fog and scratch with a z87 rating. Currently they are about $10-$15 on Amazon. Cheapest riding glasses I’ve ever owned yet perform really well. Like that they give a huge range of visibility vs most of my other glasses. Best part is if something hits and hurts the lens I spend like $10 and Amazon has me new ones next day.

The FTR to me screams America and I found that some of our tanneries sell small leather keychains. I have a Horween Leather one (brown) that I picked up for $12. Can’t scratch my airbox cover. Doesn’t indicate what machine it powers if I ever lose it.

Remote garage door opener keychain. I just carry the small fob in my jacket pocket and can activate it one handed. Works from enough of a distance that I don’t even put my feet down until I’m in my garage. I like being able to leave the bike and not worry someone finds an opener attached to my bike. Cost me $60 and I just move it to whatever jacket I’m using, can’t forget to move it because you can’t close the door without realizing it’s not there. Cheap and effective!