Pricing Question


Active member
Just wondering what I should realistically be looking to pay for having new wheels installed. Only have about 1000 miles on my bike and want to re use the original tires.

Didn’t get a call back from the dealer before they closed for the day.


Well-known member
Dealership labor rates can vary immensely. Maybe an hour to an hour and a half's work at best. Just wait for the call, no point in speculating.

Well-known member
The labor rate at my dealership (Pitt Cycles) is $105.00/hour. I also use a private shop South Hills Cycles. Kenny charges $40.00 to change out a tire if the wheel is off the bike.


Active member
That’s exactly what I was looking for. I honestly had no clue if we are talking $100 or $700. They might call me back like Tuesday but I’m not holding my breath.


Active member
My dealer used to charge $40 (each) to install tires you supplied, that's ride the bike in, they change them, you ride out. Just at the beginning of the new year, my buddy who is a service writer there, told me that corporate (don't know if that means Indian or maybe the group that owns that dealership) made them raise their price to $160 (each!) to install tires you bring in. Its pretty nuts.

They offer "free tire install" if you buy the tires from them, and they likely make a few bucks on that as they are usually about $30 or so higher in cost then what I can get them online for. I typically change my own tires so, unless the tire manufactures are running good rebates (that require an approved shop to install them) and said rebates cover the extra cost to have them do it, its not really a concern for me. But just a heads up.


New member
i got my tires swapped over to my new RSD wheels for about $100… think he threw out a $40 charge he was originally going to add in. fwiw i also paid $100 to get the new tires mounted on my old rims


Active member
So I finally linked up with the dealership and to swap the wheels on with the stock tires is going to be right at $300.

When it’s done I’ll be 100% but that’s the price they told me.

Max Kool

Well-known member
So they're charging you 300 bucks to swap the wheels, and put the existing tires on your new wheels? Roll in, roll out?


Well-known member
Man that’s criminal…$25 bucks for a loose wheel fitted and balanced. $35-40 for a ride in fixed wheel. I can’t understand why the fuck they charge you that sort of money mate…🤔😕


Active member
They quoted $300 for swapping the wheels. Plan to leave it with them for the afternoon. This is why I asking as I had no clue what to expect.

Seems expensive but it’s subjective. Moving over brake hardware ect might be more time consuming? New to bikes but that’s a good bit of labor considering new wheels have bearings and stems ect.


2021-2024 IMR Ambassador
Staff member
That’s about right since you’re leaving the bike there. Yes they have to swap rotors and abs rings as well.


Active member
Only reason I’m leaving it is that who wants to wait for hours while they get to it.
As soon as they finish I would plan to come back in. So it’s not over night or anything unless they don’t have it done.


2021-2024 IMR Ambassador
Staff member
It’s also a lot cheaper if you remove the wheels yourself at home and only take them in.


Well-known member
Oh ok so your talking about a wheel swap not Tyre fitting…sorry mate…late night reading…yeah well I spose that would be about right. I think most shops here charge anywhere between 80 and a hundred bucks an hour.