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Request info on Zumo xt gps install


New member
Aug 12, 2022
I got the Garmin Zumo xt but I’m struggling with conflicting info on the installation. Garmin suggests hard wiring to the battery. Other sources(YouTube, Indian forums) suggest connecting to the switchable power outlet to ensure that the battery does not drain while the device is not in use. My question is where to find this 12v connector? Would I need anything else other than perhaps a Delphi pigtail?
The factory heated grips plug into a dedicated plug behind the headlight, you may be able to add a connector to your Garmin ones to plug straight in?
I have Oxford heated grips on another bike that connects directly to the battery and they do voltage monitoring and switch themselves off if the detect a drop in voltage, do the Garmin ones do the same?
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@Staedtler this is helpful! Thanks a lot. As far as I know, the Garmin does not explicitly detect voltage drop. Garmin recommends the hard wire connection. At least 3 YouTube videos suggested connecting to a switchable plug - typically under the seat or behind the headlight assembly. It does search for a power source constantly. The default setting shuts it down when it doesn’t detect a power source for the device. My current gps setup takes power from the usb port under the power commander display. Technically, if I charge the device overnight and plug in the type c while I ride, I wouldn’t need to fiddle with the plug or hard wire as garmin recommends. Also, it does charge the device via usb - just takes longer to charge.
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