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Steering damper?

Dear Brick, I don’t have CAD file, but can make 3D scanning for you and send you file for your further navigation/reference. Challenge is that I am currently working as expat out of Slovenia and will come back in the mid of June. If is not too late .... with great pleasure will support you...let me know? Cheers.
Hi Rok, thanks for the replay, I'll try to do a 3D printed support first, because the Ohlins one is quite different from the one you use.
Dear Brick, I don’t have CAD file, but can make 3D scanning for you and send you file for your further navigation/reference. Challenge is that I am currently working as expat out of Slovenia and will come back in the mid of June. If is not too late .... with great pleasure will support you...let me know? Cheers
Love how that turned out! The bike/damper I started this thread with were lost in a garage fire last summer. Now that I have another FTR I'll most likely give it another shot. Great work!!!
Nope none that I’ve seen over the years. The front geometry and wheel base isn’t aggressive enough to really need one. Even all the guys racing in the bagger league aren’t running them.

9/10 times they are just masking a poor suspension set up on bikes like this.

but they do look neat. Good luck!
Just wondering how you set up suspension so it doesn't need one? I've got a 2023 FTR SPORT and with tune, pipes and bumped rpm range and no speed limiter, mine will run 145 - 150 and I've had a couple shaky moments. Lol . What do you recommend suspension wise so I don't have to worry about the occasional shake in the front that makes you shit yourself on occasion. I could get a Japanese or Euro bike but it is just so much more gratifying kicking their asses on an Indian!! 😉😂

[email protected]

Or hopefully if you reply, I'll get notified. Thanks
That all depends on your riding style, weight, and roads. Go in your owners manual if gives you a good starting point to set your sag, comp, rebound per your riding style.

Also when going that fast on a naked bike, unless you have a aerodynamic helmet and tight fitting gear, you will experience some shake